TUFF 5 Inline Mag Pouch Double Stack Black 7005-NY-2 [FC-087632021177]

TUFF 5 Inline Mag Pouch Double Stack Black 7005-NY-2 [FC-087632021177]

nan 7005-NY-2

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nan 7005-NY-2

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5-In Line™ Shoot-N-Store Magazine Pouch

Features and Specifications:
Manufacturer Number: 7005-NY-2
Wraps Around Belts up to 2”
Removable Flap
Padded For More Comfort
Double Layer Cordura

9mm/.40/.45 Magazines for Berreta 92F, Sig P226, and Glock 17 and 21
Double Stack mags
Panel Size 6 7/8x5.75"

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