Hogue Handall Beavertail Slip-On Grip Sleeve for Glock 42/43 Aqua

Hogue Handall Beavertail Slip-On Grip Sleeve for Glock 42/43 Aqua

Hogue 18204

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Hogue 18204

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The Hogue Handall slip-on grip sleeve is designed to provide you with an ergonomic advantage. When installed properly the grip sleeve creates a textured rubbery gripping surface which enhances your ability to grip and control the firearm. The Hogue Handall slip on grip installs simply by stretching the grip sleeve over the grip of the firearm until it is properly positioned.

Specifications and Features:
Hogue Handall Slip-On Grip Sleeve 18204
Textured Rubbery Grip Surface
Will Enhance Ability to Grip
Will Enhance Ergonomics
Aqua Finish

Glock 42/43

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