Beretta Basic Shotgun Cleaning Kit 20 Gauge [FC-082442883793]

Beretta Basic Shotgun Cleaning Kit 20 Gauge [FC-082442883793]

nan CK411A23020009U

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nan CK411A23020009U

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Beretta offers a large assortment of high quality outdoor equipment and products for all of your shooting needs. Keep your guns clean nad trouble free with a Basic Cleaning Kit from Beretta. This kit contains the bare essentials of what you need to keep your shotgun well maintained. Take care of your guns and they'll take care of you. Get a Basic Cleaning Kit.

Specifications and Features:
Beretta Basic Shotgun Cleaning Kit CK411A23020009UNI
20 Gauge
3 Pieces PCV Coated Steel Rods
1 Ergonomic Anti-Slip Handle
1 Wool Brush/Swab
1 Helical Steel Brush
1 Nylon Brush
1 Bottle of "Factory Official Gun Oil"