Barnes Defensive Buckshot for When it Matters Most
Barnes Buckshot delivers he massive terminal punch and dense consistent patterns you want when the stakes are at their highest. Every round of Barnes Buckshot is produced with the uncompromising precision and reliability they have built their name on, because every load just may be the one lives depend on.Barnes Defense Ammunition Specifications and Features:
- Manufacturers Number 32013
- 20 Gauge
- 2-3/4 inch Length
- 3 Buckshot
- 17 Pellets
- 1140 fps
- Uses Self Defense
- 5 Round Box
They look very deadly. They cycle through the gun like hot butter, Very smooth. The three different reviews I did were very positive input on 20,Gauge #3 Buckshot. One story I read a man killed in 2 different hunting seasons, 2 different Bull elk. With a standard 28 inch barrel modified choke. Around 30 to 40 yard's.
February 16, 2024
good stuff
great buckshot for my 20 guage. patterns nicely
May 16, 2023